8 Times on average I wake up during the night feeling incredibly uncomfortable.
2 Sundays in a row we had to stay home from church due to Cam's runny nose. Am I being too picky about this? Seems like we miss far too much church b/c of snot.
83 Degrees in Palm Springs today which is where we decided to go since we didn't go to church. Here are my too cool dudes:
0 Money spent on these coin run cars in the mall. Fortunately Cam didn't know they were supposed to move and was therefore content to climb in and out. :)
39 Cents per ounce on some delightful serve-yourself frozen yogurt we bought on our way home.
74 Times Cam yelled/cried "truck!" on the way home (yes, we counted) when we refused to give it back to him after he kept throwing it on the floor. It was a LOOOOONG ride home.
3 Episodes of Lost we are behind on Tivo. We just can't get into it this season as there are too many twists and turns to keep track of.
3 Episodes of Southland we have watched...our new favorite show.
2 Costco bags of chicken Chris and I bbq'd, chopped, and bagged yesterday in prep for baby coming
HA! You pulled one over on the little man with that stationery car trick.
Just 11 more days before you don't have to sleep with the discomfort of a large belly.
Good for you for not giving the truck back.
Love this list! We are totally hooked on Southland too. So exciting that you're soooo close to meeting that little girl... yay! So looking forward to seeing you on the weekend! :)
Way to go with the chicken! Wow, just 11 more days! I feel your pain with the waking up... why oh why do pregnant women and moms get so little sleep? To me it is one of life's injustices.
I'll have to check out Southland.
Here's my two cents on the runny nose thing...I, as a fellow mom, would not be upset with you for putting your child in the nursery if he has a clear, runny nose. I know it is a fine line, but there is a difference between the get-it-every-other-week-does-not-interferre-with-life-and-sleep runny nose and true sickness. I follow a good rule of thumb my pediatrician gave me: If you would go to work with the same symptoms, then your child is ok to go to the nursery. Hope that helps...I know it is super tricky (and a bit touchy at times!).
SO excited for you to meet baby girl!! Your life is about to change in such a wonderful way!
Hey! I tend to think that if you have a pretty good hunch that your child is contagious, then he should be kept at home. But if it is the 5th day of a runny nose for example, he really shouldn't be contagious anymore... it's just something that is lingering.
So 2 weeks straight of something? I would say I would have stayed home the first Sunday (when he was most likely contagious) but probably would have gone the second Sunday.
Oh, niece-y, we can't wait to meet you!!!! And we can't wait to find out your name since your mean and nasty mama won't say!
Could Cameron have allergies? Abby has a runny nose 24/7 and I'm sure some people have thought we take her to church sick. But, Dave and I both have allergies and hers is ALWAYS running...too much to be sickness, and it's clear. Something to consider.
Heather Heckler
I still can't believe I'll be meeting your little girl in 10 days!!!! Susan...you don't know her name? I do! :) j/k...I wish! This list was fun to read!
39 cent yogurt!! YUM!!
We are into southland too!! And we are having trouble with Lost also. Its hard all the jumping back & forth through time.
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