7-7:45 Breakfast and get ready for school
7:45 Chris and Cam leave for school. Chris then heads to get some breakfast and get an old phone we have reactivated because I dropped mine in the bath last night. :(
7:45-9:30 Entertain/keep Kendall awake. This includes changing rooms for a change of scenery and toys and sitting in the back of our SUV with the hatch up (she likes to sit and play with toys while staring outside)
9:30-10:45 Kendall naps (hooray for long nap!). While she naps, I have my quiet time (I'm trying to do this first thing during her first nap...trying), clean, and watch a little of some Tivo'd Gilmore Girls
10:45 I leave to pick up Cam
11:00 Off to Costco (in two cars) for lunch and a few purchases. These weekly trips are even more fun now that they have a playhouse on display. Cam LOVES this. :) Chris also observes a girl shoplift an $80 bottle of Tequila (he reported it, but they didn't catch her). Favorite sample: Kettle Corn
1:00 Chris takes Kendall home while I take Cam to the mall to play in the indoor play area. Also treat him to a few things from Sweet Factory.
2:30 We arrive home and play until Kendall wakes
3:15-4:00 Cam has "special room time" while Kendall and I play with toys
4:00 Cam watches a movie while I take Kendall to the grocery store to get some ingredients for...
Tapas Meatballs with Orange Marmalade

Pretty good, but a lot of work. I gave it an 8.5. Chris, an 8.
5:00 Kendall and Cameron take a bath together
5:30 Kendall goes down for bed, Cameron eats dinner
6:00 Playtime with Cam: Puzzle, read, play on computer
6:45 Chris puts him down while I finish up dinner
Ahhhh...dinner and catch up on some Tivo (Friday Night Lights, to be specific)
Ah, a nice day...some parts may be a little boring, but a day full of blessings!
Now...I'm curious for more info about the shoplifting observation
How nice that you have your husband home to help and go to lunch with.... that must be such a blessing.
I thought you guys sold your other car? How did you drive in two separate cars?
Good for you for having your devotions as soon as Kendall goes down. A great plan!
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