We went to Disneyland today with my parents. We had such a fun time. The weather was perfect and the Holiday crowds were no where to be seen. To top it off, since my parents drove separately, they took Cam in their car. This A) Was fun for him to get to ride with his Nana and Papa and B) Was such a load off us since car rides (in any length) continue to be stressful with Cam's sensitivities to Kendall's noises.

I can't believe how little Kendall slept. She literally slept 15 minutes from the time we left (9:30) until bedtime. She was still very happy for the most part. I think she enjoyed the constant stimulation. :)
you aren't planning on going back on friday are you? I'm guessing not since you just went. I think I'm going to go for most of the day friday so just checking Just in case...
Oh, that was SUCH fun! And it was fun having Cam in our car...handing him a book & hearing him say, "OH, thank you, Nana."
i just realized you are all wearing SHORTS! SO VERY jealous! ..i've been looonging to be in warm weather and its supposed to Rain on wednesday when i get down there i just found out..bummer that both times i get to leave hume and come down there it rains:( ...oh well..its still better than being here where the high temperature of the day is still freeeezing cold!
I really can't believe Kendall slept so little!!!!
Glad you had so much fun!!
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