What on earth am I supposed to do with this mop? There is no way I want to spend $15 on a hair cut for an 8 month old. However it really gets in her eyes and hangs over her ears. I know I would butcher it if I tried, but I'm thinking that might be my only option. Hmmm...
Unrelated to Kendall's spazzy hair, last night my parents came out to babysit while Chris and I went out to dinner. Romanos. Penne Gorgonzola. Oh my. Anyway, I thought this was so precious to see right before we left.

Oh Kendall, if you are not THE CUTEST little chiquita!! LOVE those cheeks!! Who can mind the hair when you've got those gorgeous squishy cheeks!!!
I would just grab some scissors and trim a little, Kelly. Then pat yourself on the back for the money you've saved.... and just don't take any pics of her for the next month or so. No just kidding, I really bet it would look fine if you can distract her enough while you do it.
And OH! That pic of Cam and Mom and Dad makes me get a little teary. SOOO sweet.
Makes me wanna jump on a plane so my kids can get some Nana and Papa cuddles too. =) Savannah keeps saying how excited she is to go to California... and "I'm so excited for when we start packing to go to California and see Nana and Papa" and I keep saying, "Oh honey, that is a YEAR away - a year is a loooong time." =)
That sounds yummy! (the penne that is). Looks like Romanos has become a favorite place for you :)
Matt's hairdresser only charges $5.00 for Ethan's hair cuts (and we tip her since its' so cheap).
My hairdresser only charged $5 too as will most if you know them well and great clips and supercuts are cheap too
The caption for her picture is: "Hey, world! Am I gorgeous or WHAT!?!?"
I found your blog through Ana...
MY daughter had the same wild hair.
I did a home trim, while she was asleep upright in the carseat :)
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