Here are some pics from last night's Awana. It was parents night so I stayed the whole time. Unfortunately they were short staffed so the night was a little disorganized. Cam and I sat at a table waiting to be called for him to recite is verse for over 30 minutes. The great part was how amazing he was. For a kid who has a difficult time with attention, he was sooooo good! It was worth the kind of long, chaotic night just to see that.

Disclaimer: This video probably is only interesting to family since it's just the kids talking to the camera in the morning. I realized I want to get more videos to capture their little voices (especially Kendall's right now, which is just too adorable).
For "allowance" could he help make his bed? Help put his back pack and lunch box away after school? Take out the trash (maybe bathroom trash--small bags.) What about setting the table for dinner or breakfast? I dunno..let me know how it goes..I will be interested in seeing how he does!
You're right--this family member loved the video!! And you're so right that they'll be so glad to have those when they're adults.
Awanas is usually short staffed its all voluenteer and as soon as thier kids move on so do the leaders which is what happened last year!
As for allowance we pay by the job about 0.15 a job which most weeks he gets $2 or $3 he is allowed to spend it on toys or things he wants that we do not buy but he also has the option to save to get big ticket items we normally dont buy. His jobs are dishwasher(he takes the things out and puts them by the correct cabinet, and the silverware and drawer items. Take the small upstairs trashcans to the big trash, cleaning his room, putting away laundry, feed the dog, and help with groceries or yard work.
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