*We've been having some issues with Cam at school. He does a couple things (making spitting noises, getting in kids' faces and sticking out his tongue) which HE thinks are silly, but which the other kids do not. I've really had to crack down and have even started time outs at home whenever he makes a spitting noise. I'm working with his teacher and have also started a chart system. He gets to put a sticker on each day in which he doesn't land on red (naughty color). We've talked A LOT about it and I think it's sinking in. He was very excited to put his first sticker on today :)

*Bubble Guppies while mom gets dinner on the table:

No, Chris isn't an avid Bubble Guppies fan. However Cam asked if he could sit next to him. Cam NEVER asks to snuggle, so Chris wanted to take advantage. :)
*Some might think I'm dumb (Jen, maybe?), but I put my wedding gown up on Ebay today. It has sat in my closet for the past 9+ years. In this day and age, girls want their own dresses, not their mom's, so I don't think Kendall would ever be in need of it. While I adored it, I'm not a real sentimental keeper of things that I don't need. So if you know of anyone, feel free to take a look...
*I enjoyed Hart of Dixie, however it was a tad cheesy. I love made for TV movies, despite the cheese factor. However I'm not sure if I can handle an entire season of a show. :)
*Cam has to have his front tooth (it's an extra one) pulled on Monday. They'll need to use laughing gas. I'm nervous not only about the procedure, but about how the laughing gas will affect him. :(
*I think Pinterest is cool, I just can't get into it. I don't really enjoy browsing clothing websites, house decor websites, etc. if I can't purchase anything. Same with real shopping. I don't enjoy going shopping if I can't buy anything. I'm not a browser if there is no purpose. :)
I like Pinterest... But usually it's just a time waster while I watch TV or something. They have a lot of great recipes and ideas.
I still wish you were on FB!!!!!!!!!! ;)
I don't blame you for wanting to sell your dress.
Also.... I love your sticker chart. I miss the days that stickers were an incentive for my kids!
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