*I love this pic :)

*I posted a long time ago about scavenger hunts. I take pictures of Cam's little toys, download them, then he has look at the computer and go find each one. Today we initiated Kendall into the hunt and Cam loved ushering her around. I make it even more fun by hiding a chocolate chip with various characters. :)
*Cam has developed a yucky habit of picking his nose, then sliding that finger right into his mouth. 9 out of 10 times there isn't even anything retrieved from said nose, but he just automatically puts that finger in his mouth. Yuck. I read online about the strategy of giving him a small bowl of M&M's at the beginning of the day. Every time I catch him doing it, I take one away (right in front of him). I want to find a non-melty candy, however, since I want to be able to take the jar with me when we go out.
*Everyday Cam reports to me who was naughty in his class. Discipline involves unhappy/firm sounding teachers, which is ALWAYS taken notice of by Cam. Today the first thing he told me was that he was put down to the red (naughty) square because he was being silly with a classmate and not doing his work. While I talked to him about my disappointment, secretly I was thinking, "Awesome! He was interacting!!" :)
*Here you go Susan and mom, here is my pirate cake: :)
*I love chocolate, cinnamon, and a few other Goldfish flavors. I hate the regular cheddar kind. They taste like wannabe Cheez-Its.
We love Pat and Oscar's, too!
Do you have the frequent diner card?
I am serious, I have $5 credit after every 4 visits!
And Tuesdays, kids eat free!
(sorry, came from Ana's and had to get excited with you!)
(Oh My...the cinnamon breadsticks are to die for!)
Cinnamon goldfish?? I can't picture that! I love the secret happiness over his interacting. =) Is that the Pat and Oscar's by mom and dad's place or do you have your own?
Awesome pirate cake! Did you get it off the internet--or a book?
How about Skittles for "project bugger." :o)
Oh, I'm happy too about his being silly with a classmate! (Did a former teacher really just say that?) Was he sad he got a red card?
Your last comment made me laugh. I love cheddar Goldfish and think they are so much better than Cheese Itz.
I need to try doing a scavangar hunt like that, what a great idea. I feel like I never know what to do with Ethan.
your cake turned out super cute!
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