*We are heading out in a few minutes for another hike with friends. It may seem like we hike A LOT. And actually we do. Besides the obvious that it's great for kids to be out in nature, Cam adores it. We have been struggling the past couple weeks on deciding whether to keep him in t-ball. He loses focus a lot and while he enjoys aspects of it, it definitely isn't his "thing". What is his "thing"? Hiking!!! Chris and I have commented how much we can see a difference in him when he is on the trails. It is simply his element. :) And while its a bummer that hiking clubs aren't that easy to come by (as opposed to sports teams), it is nice that we have so many great trails around. Maybe I'll start my own hiking club. :)
*OK, are these cupcake push-pops not the cutest little things ever??? How great would they be for a kid birthday?? Wow.

*Chris and I are really enjoying "The Firm" right now on TV.
*Bathtime in the mornings have become a nice little break for me. :) The kids stay/play in there for about 30 minutes. After I get a few things done, I lay in our bed watching TV while listening for, "Moooooooommmm!!!!! I'm ready to get out!!!!!" :)
I would love to be a member of your hiking club! :)
I think a hiking club sounds like a super idea!
I'm still not able to visualize how I would go about eating that push-up cupcake. Push it up...turn my head sideways...open my mouth as wide as it'll go...and chomp?
The hike was fun! I guess we kind of have our own hiking club with as often as we go ;) We love it too.
I imagine those push up things being really messy. Your mom's comment made me laugh.
I like the Firm too (another show I have to watch alone, dramas are not Matt's thing).
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