*What you last ate: lunch which consisted of a big bowl of broccoli, red peppers, garbonzo beans, feta, and flaxseed.
*3 things you wish you had: a pot that could be transferred from the stove to the oven, Tori Spelling colored hair, sewing needles (I have thread but I have two Awana patches waiting for me to sew on Cam's vest and I always forget to buy needles when I'm out)
*Recent picture taken:

*$100...what would you spend it on? Tickets to this. We've heard it's incredible and both kids are into pirates and would probably LOVE it!
*Highlight of the week: We decided to pull Cam out of T-ball only to have him want, "a second chance with the Dodgers". So we put him back in and he did GREAT at practice on Monday.
*Low of the week: we decided to cancel our family trip to Vegas over Cam's spring break because it just isn't a wise use of money right now. But I'll sneak in a high here and say we replaced it with a trip up to my in-laws, which was a great consolation trip for Cam to learn about.
*Last thing watched on TV: 20/20 I tivo'd about Whitney Houston. It is all so sad.
*One thing that annoys you: Since I do the same Jillian workout each time, I've memorized most of what she says and I HATE when she says, "5 more!" because it's always at a time I want to die. :)
*One thing you love: Chris. Couldn't ask for a better husband.
Cute post :)
Sorry you aren't going to Vegas :( I thought of you today when I spontaneously decided to take the kids out to Victoria Gardens. I almost had a heart attack when I stopped to get gas on the way and it was $4.29 per gallon!!!! I packed our lunch so that we wouldn't have to spend much money. It was a fun outing.
You eat such a healthy lunch, good for you!
Cameron, the fuss police! HA!
And "a second chance with the Dodgers"--as if y'all were the ones who wanted him to pull out. Too funny!
It was a beauuuutiful day for Victoria Gardens, Jessica.
I'm so sorry you cancelled your trip! I thought you had a great deal on a hotel...I guess meals and then with gas prices though it kind of puts a damper on any road trips! Glad you can go up north though!
Fun post! =) Love the picture. =) So what did Kendall answer to all Cameron's questions?
I've been to the Pirates Dinner Adventure twice and I loved it!
It's loud and they might be a smidge on the young side to understanding what's going on. You and Chris would likely enjoy the show and all the music references, though!
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