I'm copying my sister's idea and posting my schedule. I found hers to be an interesting read. This is a typical day, however the past few days have been a little out of the ordinary as we are having some adjustment issues with daylight savings (for instance, Cam's 4:00 wake time this morning!).
6:00- Wake up. Yes, this is early, I realize. However this is the schedule I have chosen as I enjoy my evenings. I'm more than willing to wake up early in order to have my evenings free.
6:15- Go for walk
7:00-9:00- Breakfast, play time: read books, play with toys, let him chase balls ALL over the kitchen floor :)
9:00-10:00- nap- although sometimes this is only 30 minutes :( After having my daily cup of hot chocolate, I have my quiet time, email, and watch a little TV.
10:00-1:00- Typically we'll go to the park and swing and have more play time, then eat lunch. A couple days a week Chris will go with us and we'll go to lunch somewhere like fast food or Costco.
1:00-1:30- Nap
1:30-5:30- This time typically consists of another walk, running errands and more play time.
5:30- Dinner for Cam and play time until bed
6:30- Bath and bottle (Chris does this Mon, Wed, and Fri.)
7:00- Bed for Cam and free time for us, including a relaxing dinner. :)
9 or 9:30- bed time for me. Chris typically goes to bed with me, however will watch TV until he is ready as he would never fall asleep so early!
Notes: Once a week we to go Gymboree, which Cam loves! Every other week we'll go to MOPS on Friday. Right now, the park consists only of swinging and going down the slide. Once he can walk, we'll be able to do more things. I have a play area downstairs in the living room and upstairs in the loft. This way, we vary the toys. He spends A LOT of time in the kitchen chasing balls that he throws. This is a favorite pastime!
That is a typical day. Yes, it isn't that exciting in print, but I honestly enjoy my days with Cam, as well as my free evenings. Here are a couple pictures at the park.