Afterward we went shopping so I could look for a dress for my upcoming high school reunion. I don't remember the last time I have gone shopping with a girlfriend. I used to do it ALL the time pre-Cam days. It was lots of fun and I even found a dress!
Chris went out to Peyt and Liesl's for another UFC fight on Saturday. He was even able to sneak in a movie with his friends before the fight started ("3-10 to Yuma"...he gave it a 9 and really enjoyed it). This morning we went to church. I had decided to stay in the nursery with Cam. However I quickly realized that the reason he normally cries is not only because I'm not there, but also because there will always be one baby who decides to cry. Cam simply cannot handle it when other babies cry or even make a loud noise. He goes from happy to crying (hard, shortness of breath type) in a snap. I had to take him out for a walk a couple of times. Long story short, I think Chris and I are going to rotate going to church for a while. Yes, some might think that is not the best solution, but at this point, I'm not sure I care. It is best for Cam right now and best for us. Hopefully down the road he'll be able to stand hearing other babies cry.
When we got home from church, he played by himself in the kitchen for about half an hour. He LOVES to throw a ball, crawl to it, throw it, crawl... He used to just stop when it got caught under the table, but now he goes for it and gets himself caught quite frequently. :)
Later we went outside to play with the hose, another favorite activity of his.
Fun weekend. :)
I read a study which stated that babies can show empathy at a very young age, they did a test on 6 months olds. I forget the exact numbers, but basically they would record a 6 month old crying and (much) later they would play it back to that same baby. They would also take recordings from other babies and play them for each other. They found that when babies listen to themselves crying they had little to no reaction, but when they'd hear the recording of a different baby crying -in most casses- they would start to cry also. Thus proving that babies can show empathy. All this to say; perhaps one of Cam's gifts is empathy and he's just exressing that gift. :)
My son cried all the time when we'd drop him off at church. Now he LOVES it and he cries when it's time to go home.
(wow, this is really long. sorry.)
I'm sorry Cameron is still having a hard time in the nursery. You have tried other options that did not have satisfactory outcomes. You have to do what you think is best for you and your son regardless of what others think. I'm sure in time, he will be more tolerant of baby noises, etc. I'm glad it didn't spoil your day and that you had a fun afternoon afterall.
neither of my kids like a lot of noise or chaos. i think part of it is that i keep a quiet house. do you? i don't have the TV on much, or the radio, or any CDs. Many times we drive in the car without music. And Curtis and I aren't super loud people. Maybe that is part of it? Then again, the kids could have been born that way. It is probably good to just to back off for a month or two and try again when Cam is a bit older.
Thanks for the encouragement. And Sarah, thanks for that study you mentioned. Very interesting. I had tried googleing the topic but didn't find anything on it. He also cries during the food processor and blender...maybe he feels bad for the food getting chopped up. :)hehe
Yeah, you might as well get used to taking turns for church anyway. When you have a baby (or 2), it seems like one of them has a runny nose most Sundays. :o) That's funny that he cries at the blender, but loves the vacuum. I'm so glad you & Ruth can do some fun things, too. She's a dear.
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