Then we tried the trampoline, which worked, but I wasn't big on the idea of spending a hot afternoon taking turns jumping on the trampoline to occupy him! So after debating whether or not to pack up and head home, we decided to give Baby Einstein a try. Bingo!!! We were able to eat our lunch and visit a little all while the munchkin enjoyed watching nature and toys put together in one fabulous DVD. And my parents actually oohh'd and ahhh'd at quite a few nature scenes. So thank you , Baby Einstein, for helping turn a "having to leave before we even got to eat" BBQ into a, "getting to at least stay for the food and a little talking" BBQ!!
Today Cam seems to be back to normal. :)
I wonder if he's teething??
We used Baby Einstein a LOT when we had those kinds of mind boggling, i think i'm going insane from all the crankiness, moments. A 30 minute break can make SUCH a difference to recharge, pray, have a good conversation,etc.
It truly was a "rescuer of the day"...and anyone who frowns on using a sweet, wholesome DVD occasionally needs to reconsider their thoughts!! Especially these mellow, slow-moving ones like Baby Einstein. I think they even relax ME when they're on. HA!
Who wouldn't enjoy a movie on that setup? A cranky baby can sure make for a trying day. Does he still have that rash on his chest?
The rule about plural possessives is: If you are talking about more than one parent (parents), the apostrophe goes after the "s" i.e. I lived in my parents' home for 20 years. However, if you are talking about only 1 parent, the apostrophe goes before the "s" i.e. One parent's name is Marie. In your sentence, "I went to my parents' friend's house." would be correct.
Kelly, the fact that mom and dad ooh'd and ahhhh'd over some nature scenes means NOTHING. I have never seen people quicker to exclaim over a tall tree or large rock than Mom and Dad.
I have trouble with names that end with "s." Like Jesus. I've seen: "Jesus' sandals" and "Jesus's sandals.' " Which is right????
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