Wednesday night I had my first leadership meeting for the women's Bible study, which is starting up in a few weeks at our church. I was asked to be a small group leader, something I'm super excited about. I enjoy leading discussions and am glad to start getting more plugged into our church, something we have been wanting to do for a while. It will also be a great opportunity to meet other young women (hopefully some fellow moms...stay at home moms would even be better!!). I know I'll be a little nervous to lead the first few times, but I'm sooo lucky to have a resident expert in small group leading in my mom. She actually did some of the training of the small group leaders at her church. So she'll be able to help me with things that might come up, like how to handle it if someone dominates the conversation, or getting asked questions I don't know the answers to, etc.
Thursday I met my friend, Ruth, at the park for a picnic. I was a little worried because the temperature was in the 90's. However it was actually quite nice sitting in the shade. We talked and ate for a while, then let Cam swing on the swings. He loves the swing! It has gotten to the point where he throws a mini fit when I have to take him out.

Ruth brought me a little gift. She had been down to the LA area and to a shop called Sprinkles Cupcakes. I tried one when I got home and, in the words of Rachel Ray (for all you Food Network fans), YUM-O!!! I didn't think I could have a cupcake that tasted all that different than one you would make at home...but this took the cake (no pun intended!!). Thanks Ruth!!
I have to be honest and say that I wasn't a sprinkles fan at first. But I am converting. I am so glad that you liked them!!! I told my mom what a dessert connoisseur you are and so I had to share them with you.
Oh and I made the German Chocolate cookies last night - they were the biggest hit with my dad!!! That is his favorite dessert and I think I saw him sneak more than a few. Thanks for sharing the recipe!!
How nice of your friend!! I talked to one of my friends & she hated the cupcakes from sprinkles. I was so surprised cause I know they r a fav of so many celebrities (Katie Holmes-Cruise). I guess I'll have to try for myself!!
Kelly, I know you will be a great small group leader!! One thing I love about u is how well-spoken you have always been!! God will lead u & you'll be more encouraged then the women most days. Love ya!!
I think you'll be a great small group leader too. I'm glad you are getting involved in this ministry.
The pic of Cam in the swing looks like he wants you all to quit talking and do some pushing. He looks like he's trying to walk to get the swing moving.
No Sprinkles out here in the boonies but they do look delicious.
"Grandma's" comment was funny - it DOES like he's trying to get things moving!
Yep, you will be a great small group leader!
Yes, you WILL be a wonderful small group discussion leader! You'll be well studied and prepared, and the women in your small group will quickly sense that you care for them--because you're such a caring person!
Well, who would've thought?! "Let's open a cupcake shop. I bet it'll be a hit with the stars." Go figure.
Sprinkles = HEAVEN!
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