Yesterday we had Cam's 1st birthday party. I simply cannot believe it has been a year. Chris's parents drove down from Fresno for the weekend. We also had his brother's family and my parents over. We had an open house and many of our wonderful friends came out. We were and are sooo appreciative to everyone for making the drive (especially considering a few hit horrific traffic!). The party didn't go quite as I had planned. I anticipated Cameron to be somewhat overwhelmed with the amount of people, but I didn't quite expect how much it would affect him. Unfortunately I spent a lot of time upstairs with him as he just needed time away from everyone. We were able to get some quality time with our friends once he went to bed, so that was a highlight. Despite the outcome with Cam, we are incredibly thankful for our adorable, fun, and amazing little boy. He truly has added so much to our lives and I'm so excited to continue on our journey with him! Here are some pictures.
Opening presents...

His baseball cake...

He wasn't quite sure what to do with his cake. As soon as he touched it, he quickly took away his hand. :)

This, unfortunately, was a common face throughout his party...poor little thing just wasn't used to all the people!
Happy Birthday Cameron! How thankful we are for that sweet little boy!!! Kelly, you still got some great pictures - and he'll laugh about that last one when he's older. =) I wish we could have been there... but maybe it's better that we weren't, so we didn't add 4 more people to make him even more overwhelmed. =)
Happy Bday Cam!!! Wish we could've been there! Love you all
The birthday party was still a success and I'm sure those pics will end up in his wedding video in about 20+ years. We wouldn't have missed it. We felt more sorry for you than Cameron but we love you both no matter what. It was a memorable day.
Yes, what wonderful friends you have to come out for the celebration!! And such nice neighbors, too! Poor little guy--I'm sure he was back to being mighty fine this morning, though. Thank you, Lord, that this precious little boy is healthy and happy!
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