One thing that is not so cute is his screaming/yelling. He has entered a phase where he'll shriek when he wants something, can't figure out a toy, or wants out of his carseat. We'll very firmly tell him to stop, which he does, but only for a minute. So...I have a couple of questions I would love some fellow mommy input on. Feel free to respond to either or both!
1. Did your child go through a yelling phase? How did you discipline it besides being firm in telling them to stop?
2. If you used time outs, did you leave them there for the number of minutes of their age (so for Cam that would only be one) even if they were still crying at the end, or did you leave them there until they stopped crying and calmed down?
Hi! Yes, I am officially one of your "lurkers", I have a 4 year old daughter and the thing that worked the best and that was the most effective with her was to leave her in timeout until she calmed down (usually 5 minutes). I was finding that her one or two minute stints in timeout weren't effective enough, but a few more seemed to do the trick. Good luck! I know it is hard, but stick with it through this phase!
I feel your pain with the yelling! One thing that helped us a lot was teaching Ezekiel to say "Help." Most of the time his yelling was because he was frustrated. So, soon "help" replaced the yelling (most of the time). And, yes, we do about 1-2 minute timeouts, but he has to be done crying before he can get up. We will ask him "Are you all done?" and most of the time he sucks it up and says "all done." If not, though, he stays there until he is under control (I will usually sit there with him). Remember... everything is just a stage. Good luck!
That's funny because when you asked about TV shows that kids like I wanted to mention our computer slideshow... our kids LOVE to watch the pictures and I will almost usually have music playing as well.
It's a great way for Cam to learn and remember friends and family members, too!
also, with the screaming and time out thing... we've had to do variations with each of our kids.
Timeouts have worked at times, and at other times just being removed from the situation has helped, and sometimes we have just had to ignore it.
Elijah is starting to ramdomly scream out at the table. With him the more attention we give it, positive or negative, it just adds to it and it becomes worse. With him, we've had to ignore it and distract him. With Shelbi we would do a time out and that stopped the behavior. With Maggie all we have to do is look stern at her and she stops.
We had a friend that would turn their child around at the table if they screamed. Then when the child stopped screamin they would turn them back around again to eat. Just an example
What practical suggestions! What a wealth of knowledge you young moms are to each other! (I had never heard the "turn their chair around at the table" one. Very novel & seems like it might work if screaming or interrupting at the table became a problem.)
Well, I had one screamer and time out seems to be everyone's solution. Funny how they sound so similar but if it works... We had a designated "time out" chair and we put Wayne in it and when he stopped crying and calmed down, we would ask him if he was done. He would say "all done" and after hugs he got up. Sometimes on the way to the chair he would start yelling "all done!!!" Now 19 years later, I think he really is done:)
I'm don't agree with leaving them in time out according to their age. You have to be careful and not take advantage of time-outs but until my child changes their attitude, they don't get up. Its definietly important to be consistant and teach Cam to speak instead of scream or cry. We all go thru these periods, hang in there!!
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