*She is super great at asking questions about my life and always wants to know details. While we don't get to talk on the phone often, our almost daily emails make it so I feel as close to her as if she were here (well, almost)
*She is an AMAZING mother. I still remember the first time I saw her as "mom". I had gone to visit her in Germany when Savannah was about 1 1/2. She was sooo patient and NEVER seemed frustrated. Just this past winter when she was here with both her girls, I continued to be in awe of the energy she puts into her daughters. She is not one of those "plop them in front of the TV" moms. She is constantly playing with them and makes their lives so fun.
*She has been incredibly supportive and encouraging to me with everything that has gone on with Cam. No one can ever explain what it means to have someone so concerned about your child when you go through something like that. Susan's love and concern for Cam was/is so evident and so touching.
*I love how we can both be completely ourselves around one another. We can say whatever is on our minds and neither one of us will ever take it the wrong way simply because we know exactly what the other means.
*She is such a great example to me in pursuing Christ and making it a priority to have her quiet times each day
*She's FUN, FUN, FUN to hang out with
So happy birthday to the best sister I could ever ask for!!!
p.s. The title of the blog is the nickname I used to call her when we were kids because she was all skin and bones...HA! (actually she still kind of is!!!)
Ahhhhh, you are SO right-on in everything you said!! And the friendship you two have is more than a mother could ever ask for! Happy Birthday, Sweet Susan!!
Aw, shucks. Thanks for such a nice post!!!! It made my day to see this. =) Super sweet.
Two corrections though: 1) I unfortunately am not always patient with the girls. I really TRY to be, but sometimes I'm not so patient with my tone of voice.
2) I still have skin and bones, but there's a lot more in between them now!! =)
Well, you're about as patient as a human being can be--NOBODY's 100%. And...there ain't MUCH in between dem bones.
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