Sunday, February 21, 2010


Chris had planned to take Cameron up north this weekend for a visit with grandma and grandpa. He then decided to also take my two nieces along. This way, his brother and wife could have a nice kid-less weekend and Cam could have a fun time with his cousins. I was impressed he took this upon himself as a 4-5 hour car ride might not be the easiest with three kids. But they were all great and the trip went quite smoothly.

I stayed back with Kendall and decided to hang out with a couple friends. Yesterday I drove out to see Jen's new house. It is so cute! Two favorite parts:
1. Kitchen-so cheerful and open 2. Backyard-has a pool and tons of play room.

Today Ruth came over to hang out for a while. Kendall slept the whole time, which was great because I wanted to hear all the details of her getting engaged yesterday!! Woohoo!!

We took a couple pictures to see if Kendall could actually not look at Ruth' (funny part is that she is actually looking at the buttons on her shirt...ha!). We gave up and decided it would make for a pretty funny picture.


Kristen Dacey said...

Thank goodness for you, Kelly! I have been dying to see a recent pic of Jen on the homestretch! She looks GREAT!!! Getting so excited... what are you guessing??? I thiiiiink boy. But I'm wavering. :)

And congrats to Ruth! That's exciting!!!

PS- Kendall is SOOOOO cute!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh that picture of Kendall is hilarious!! Wonder if she was hungry??! =)

YEAH for sweet Ruth!!!!!! Exciting!!!

I'm glad the weekend with the 3 kiddos went great and that you had some fun girl-catch up time. Yeah Chris!!

Ruthie said...

HAHAHAH you posted it! I am still laughing at that picture, at least you had a few to choose from ;)

Thanks Kristen & Susan! I am so excited and can't wait to be married!

Josh, Emily, and Kids said...

congrats to Ruth and let's get together before Jen pops = )

Donna Stark said...

CONGRATULATIONS, RUTH!!!! I'm so excited! I hear he is a great guy...and, of course, he's getting a GEM!!!

Jen, can't wait to welcome #2!