Yesterday while Kendall napped (a 2 HOUR nap, by the way!!!), Chris and I just wanted a little down time. Cam had dumped his entire basket of toys on the floor. So Chris told him as soon as he picked them up, he could get a treat. We figured he would dilly dally and take forever to do it, which he did. But that was ok, it gave us a little relaxing time, which was what we wanted!
As you can see below, playing with his truck (top right corner) wasn't really accomplishing the task. :)

While we are not doing anything today (we'll go out Tuesday to avoid the rush), I did want to wish everyone a Happy Valentines and Kendall wanted to show off her Valentines outfit from grandma and grandpa...
I just wanted to say how refreshing it is to see toys strewn about your living room floor. haha =)
A VERY ingenious plan! Bet THAT gets used again.
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