Last night Chris went to see the new Mel Gibson movie. Why didn't I go? A) I don't like seeing movies at night because I get home too late (I know, live a little, huh?) B) I'd rather use babysitting on going out to dinner. Anyway, Chris loved it and gave it a solid 9.
My point of this blog, however, is to express shock over the price of popcorn. While Chris didn't get any, he did glance at the menu only to find the price of a medium to be $7!!!! Are you kidding me? Who buys that? I get that buying popcorn at the theater is part of the whole experience, but $7?? I would much rather buy M&M's from the grocery store and snack on them while enjoying my movie. :)
That is NASTY!!!! Unbelievable. Wow. I hate to ask what a movie ticket costs!!
High five, Kelly! PLUS it's artery-cloggingly unhealthy.
Oh I know!! It's ridiculously expensive!! And movie tickets too! When you add up a sitter, movie tickets, and dinner, that's a pretty expensive evening!!
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