This morning we went to Cam's T-ball game. I love watching my little guy have so much fun. After Kendall's nap, Chris and I parted ways, each with a kid. Kendall and I headed out to Jen's house. My friend from college, Kristen, was in town and I wanted to see her and her son. We had a fun visit catching up and were able to do a good amount of talking considering the number of kidlets surrounding us!
Chris and Cam spent the day at Victoria Gardens. On our way back, Kendall and I met them at a remote control car racetrack just down the street from our house. It's quite an interesting spectacle as the people who race the cars take it very seriously. :) Cam positively adores it and giggles almost the entire time as the cars jump into the air and come down with a crash. Kendall was a big fan also. I tried to get an arm shot, but this was the best I could do. :)

Tonight we are both looking forward to relaxing and watching Blindside. I'm also looking forward to partaking of the Mrs. Field's cookie Chris brought home for me. Tomorrow night Chris and I are getting a sitter and will go out to dinner to officially celebrate. Not sure how I feel about technically being in my "early thirties", but I've had a fun time celebrating. :)
FINALLY, I get to read your blog! It's been almost 1 1/2 weeks & I'm definitely experiencing withdrawal pains! Being stranded in Russia is, might I say, a unique experience--at least I'm in a home & not an airport!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MY SWEET KELLY!! Can't wait to celebrate when I get home! Did Dad mail you the birthday card?? It was stuck to the frig so he would constantly see it. (HA! what better place?)
Am imagining Cameron giggling at the remote control cars & Kendall watching them go around. Soooo bummed to miss so much of Cam's T-ball season.
Oops..we're dashing out the door to another excursion. I love you and miss you!
Happy Birthday Kelly!
Happy Birthday Kelly! I am so grateful for you! I hope you felt super loved today!!
Happy Birthday! I'm right behind you and not particularly looking forward to being "thirty-something", but oh well. Trenton's birthday is the same day as yours (not to mention the same day as one of my good high school friends, too), so I always remember it!
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