Sorry these aren't the best pics. They were taken on Chris's phone.

The low is not just one event, it is a daily occurrence that I cannot begin to describe how hard it can be. I've mentioned before that Cam has a VERY hard time when Kendall cries. He gets extremely upset and inconsolable. I've realized that it isn't a noise sensitivity, it is an emotion sensitivity. It is worse when he knows the child. He can handle a kid at the store crying, but NOT someone he knows and ESPECIALLY not Kendall. In fact, he doesn't like it when anyone is sad. Even today on his Yo Gabba Gabba show, the main character simply said, "Sometimes I get sad..." Cam immediately ran over to me and wouldn't look at the TV (luckily he doesn't cry during times like this).
We've asked all the specialists and no one has been able to tell us how to alleviate it. Kendall is almost a year old, and it is no better than the day she was born. This is not a discipline issue that we can deal with. This is something in his little brain and it breaks my heart to see him so distraught. It's hard also to think that although Kendall isn't a super fussy baby, she is now entering the stage where she gets upset when things don't go her way (like if I take a toy away). Temper tantrums will soon follow and I can't just pick her up and stop the crying, like I can now when she gets fussy.
Anyway, that is my low for the day...and every day. In trying to look at the positive, 95% of the time my little guy is the happiest guy you'll ever meet. But that 5% is beyond difficult for me because I have no clue how to help him cope. :(
It sounds heartbreaking. I'll be praying for you (and him) about this.
We used to do this in my small group...called it peak and pit. It was a good way to share and be vulnerable with each other...
As for your low - wow, I wish there were words of encouragement that would really work, but I have a feeling this is more about just sharing with your dear readers/friends. You are such a strong, caring, and love-filled woman and I'm really glad to say I know you just a little bit. I'm more convinced than ever that Jesus knew exactly what he was doing when he made you Cam's mommy!!! I'll be praying that you guys are able to find a solution of sorts over the next few months!
That must be hard to handle. I'm sorry Friend.
My only advice is to pray through it. Call on the Lord to give Cam's spirit peace and to console him through it. I know God has a plan for that sensitive spirit he has.... should be interesting when he get older and you see its a gift of Compassion and Empathy.
Love ya!
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