However it took no time at all before I was completely in love with my new job of full time mommy. I realized I just needed to change my definition of what my "fulfillment" was. Who would have thought that dropping coins into a piggy bank to make Kendall laugh would bring me just as much joy...just a different kind. :)
One thing I do NOT miss from my old job, was the sports supervision. I don't care for all. So to have to sit through game after game was sometimes torture for me. But on the flip side, I could sit through 10 t-ball games in a row and love every single minute of them. :)
Sidenote: Cam and his team sure were troopers for this picture session. It was FREEZING that day. I can't believe we even got this good of a shot!

I know when I go back to my old career, I'll look back on these years with huge FONDNESS. :)
Where's the sap? I heard gratitude, not sap! :) Funny how the world and our perspective shifts so dramatically when we become parents--things that were once such a big deal are not so important anymore!
I don't care for sports at all either... but I'm sure I'll be the same way with my own kids :)
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