I was nominated by Jessica for the Honest Scrap award. I'm supposed to give 10 random things about me. I could only come up with 8, so here goes...
*Whenever I get nervous, I have to go to the bathroom several times. Back when I interviewed for my position as a school counselor, I didn't eat anything that morning because I was so nervous. Despite that, I went to the bathroom (#2 hehe) 3 times within an hour!
*I convulse in my sleep. It's like right before you fall asleep and you jerk...except I do this over and over for several seconds throughout the night. I've been tested and seen docs, but nothing is wrong. It's just the way I sleep. As you can imagine, this isn't the most conducive habit for sleeping with my husband. :(
*I think El Pollo Loco chicken is spicy. That is how much of a wimp I am when it comes to spicy foods.
*I went on a whopping one date all through high school. It was to Marie Calenders (ohh, how romantic!) and I ordered a really messy salad. Not quite sure what I was thinking.
*That guy and I were beginning what might have been a relationship, however I decided I didn't want to go that route. I told him over the phone that, "I just wanted to be friends"...however my best friend, Jen, was also on the line listening in (for moral support, of course). How horrible is that? :)
*I tried to eat a whole slice of the Motherload cake (from Claim Jumpers) in college on a dare. I made the mistake of eating beforehand because someone told me if I didn't eat, my stomach would shrink and I couldn't eat as much. Mistake. I barely got through half.
*When my chore growing up was to vacuum, I would try and do perfectly straight lines. I loved the look. I still do love the look, but there is NO WAY IN HECK I would take the time now to do that!! :)
*I'm one of those people that LOVE nursing my babies. I never thought I would be that passionate about it, but it is one of my favorite things with Kendall and I'll be so sad to give it up. It is so sweet and bonding.
thanks for playing along :)
It surprises me that you couldn't finish that cake... with the way you are passionate about chocolate :)
Oh this post was fun to read! =) I laughed about your Marie Calendar's date. =) (Because I was soooo experienced in the world of high school dating of course!) =) The funniest part was Jen listening in - I'm not at all surprised.
I think I still have a picture of that dare :) somewhere. I will have to pull it out!!
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