6:15 Kendall wakes
6:30 Chris brings Cam down and we have breakfast
6:45-7:45 Play upstairs with toys while listening to my Jock Jams CD (Cam's new favorite--loves the fast techno beat)
7:45 Take Cam to school and hit Staters on the way home to get a few things, including watermelon for 19 cents a pound!
8:30 Get home and put Kendall down for early nap (cried for an hour last night so I know she's extra tired...still trying to master our nights)
8:35 Work on cutting materials for Cam's class, making suckers for Kendall's party favors, and taking pics for another scavenger hunt for Cam (see previous post)
I'm secretly kicking myself for starting these suckers. They are SO labor intensive!
9:30 Kendall wakes (hmmm...not long considering how tired she was)
10:00 Get Kendall (luckily she talked for 30 min) and play until it's time to go
10:45 Leave for her 1 year doc's appointment. Went great!
11:35 Arrive home and make lunch for Chris and I
12:00-1 Playtime
1:00 Kendall down for nap and Chris arrives home with Cam
1:00-1:15 Cam does scavenger hunt
1:15-1:45 Cam watches Umi Zoomie while I work on more suckers
2:00 Kendall wakes (hmmm...still not long enough and I can tell when I go get her)
2:10 Leave for Chick Filet. Due to being tired, Kendall screams off and on the whole way. Cam gets pretty hysterical (sadly the sticker chart hasn't helped him when she really gets going)
2:30 Arrive. Cam looks at me through tears and says, "I'm sorry I cry". I almost break down as I tell him that he doesn't have to be sorry. What a sweetie.
3:00 Head over to the fountain to throw coins in
3:15 Walk over to Michael's to get a couple things
4:10 Arrive back home
4:10-5 Cam has special room time. I feed Kendall, play, and go get the mail. I'm excited to find this:

5:00-5:25 Chris takes Kendall for walk while I give Cam a bath
5:30 Put Kendall down for bed. Little thing is kaput.
Sidenote: Later we had some very yummy tacos for dinner. We added chopped up and sauteed potatos to the tacos (along with ground beef and sauteed onions). The potatoes made them so flavorful.
I really enjoyed reading this! Quite a different 12-hour day than pre-kids, huh??!!
That is so touching that Cam said he was sorry he cried. Poor guy. But he is making progress for sure!
Sleep better you Kendall Monkey. You are one now - there are no excuses!
It's good to list a day's schedule sometimes so you can answer the question to yourself, "Now, what did I do today?" I would be so touched with Cam's little apology too. He's workin' on it, isn't he?
Sleep, Kendall, sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeep!
Chic Fil A! Awesome!
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