Yesterday I picked up Cam from school and we headed to Disneyland. I've wanted to do this for a while but have been limited by Kendall's nursing schedule. It was SO fun to just have it be Cam and I. While the four of us have a great time, it was very relaxing for me to just have to worry about one kid, especially one that walks for himself! The weather was beautiful and the crowds were very small. We got there about 2:30 and left at 6:00. Kendall did great with Chris...except going down for bed. Apparently she missed her bedtime feeding from me and let Chris know it in a VERY loud way. But she eventually went to sleep. :)
I think Winnie the Pooh is his favorite right now. Before we even went on it he said, "Can we go twice?" :)

Here we are eating dinner on Main Street. There was a piano player playing jazz music and it was so relaxing. I hadn't realized how tired my legs were from pushing the stroller until I finally sat down for a few minutes.

I love this picture because it captures perfectly Cam's face that he pretty much had the entire time. He was so excited about everything, which made my day.
Awww, glad you had so much fun! I love that last pic too. Such a handsome, happy little man!
How how fun! We were at Disneyland yesterday too! We got there at 10:00 and left at 2:30 :)
Man! A double whammy--Disneyland and mom-to-myself! Sweeeeeet!
How fun!!! Cam looks sooo much like his daddy in that last picture!
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