I feel like Cam eats pretty healthy for the most part. My big problem has to do with variety. I'm horrible with varying his diet, especially his school lunches. His main entree is always either a PB sandwich, or one of my muffins. His sides always vary between a piece of fruit, applesauce, string cheese, peanuts/raisins and crackers. My dilemma is whether or not to send foods in the "grey" area, meaning foods that take a little coaxing at home for him to eat. I know his teacher doesn't police the kids and make them eat everything in their boxes (which she shouldn't have to), so do I risk the food going uneaten? Or do I send the same things each day...things I know he'll eat?
I decided to venture out and try some new things. I remember a couple of good blogs I had stumbled across a while back. This first one is my favorite. It's called
Lunch Box limbo. You can see below that she can get VERY creative. While I don't have the motivation to make Cam's lunches quite so elaborate, she really does have some great ideas.

The second one is called
Easy lunch box blog. Hopefully I can find some good things to add to my lunch box repertoire...things he'll actually eat. :)
That picture you posted is the kind that makes every mom mutter, "wow, I'm a bad mom" to herself. haha =)
I probably wouldn't send iffy foods for lunchtime - but might try offering them more often at home until they become foods he'll easily eat. (Because I think you're right - if he needs some coaxing to eat them... and the teachers aren't coaxing... then they probably won't get eaten.)
I am the SAME way about not providing variety. I need a kick in the booty I guess.
Those websites sound like good resources. Yea for the internet for these kind of things--ideas, ideas, ideas. At least he's eating healthy (the most important thing), even if not a lot of variety.
I do make your own lunchables I get out cookie cutters(metal works best) and cut shapes in the meat and cheese(usually turkey and mozzerella) and then add crackers, and a fruit of some sort, and carrots with ranch. Way less soduim and a good variety, another popular lunch is a roll up which you take meat and cheese and roll them into tubes(sometiems I use tortillas as well)
Another fun snack or side is taking yogurt in tubes and freezing them like a popcicle, or sugar free jello.
ooo, thanks for the suggestions! I too feel like I can get in a rut with lunches. One thing that did help was I got a thermos that I could put cold or hot things in, and that seemed to add a lot of additional options (pasta, yougurt & granola, soups, chili, etc). :) But I will check out these sites as I would always LOVE more ideas!!
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