Back when Chris and I were dating, I knew I loved him and that he was a Godly, amazing person. However I didn't really think about looking for specific qualities that would make for an easy marriage. I never knew it would be important to marry someone who...
*was wise with money
*would take initiative in doing chores around the house he saw needed to be done
*loved spending time with the kids and would take them away from mom when he knew she needed a break
*would continue to make me laugh
*supported our family so I could stay home
...and the list goes on. I'm so thankful that he HAS these qualities that I never knew would be so vital to marriage. Happy 9th Anniversary Chris!!! I love you more and more every day. :)
I too am so thankful Chris has all those qualities plus many more (like chivalry--HA! an old-fashioned word, but it shows up when he always offers to help me carry whatever I'm carrying into the house, is quick to get me a chair, etc.)
And may I also point out that he has uncovered many wonderful qualities in his wife, too! ...like gentleness, patience, a sweet nature, an appreciative spirit, good cookin' and fun!
I'm so thankful for the great brother-in-law you added to the family. I could not be HAPPIER that he is such an amazing husband to you. He's so solid. Well done, Kel Bel!!
good gosh - that anonymous! - that was susan of course =)
Awww... Happy Anniversary Petinaks! We love you guys and I'll never forget your wedding day... You were both beaming and it was so beautiful to witness. And you played my favorite Third Day song also... I'll never forget how awesome! Can't wait to see you guys next time we're down! xo
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