I really wanted to go this week, but Chris wasn't able to due to his workload. So I decided to tackle it myself, and boy was I glad I did. We had an awesome time. The car rides went relatively well. The parks were dead making it so we could go on almost everything we wanted. There really weren't any we couldn't all do together. Both kids had a blast and I had such a wonderful time with them. It really couldn't have gone better, giving me confidence to do it more often now. :)
I took this with my phone mid-ride because I wanted to capture this face. He was literally this excited the ENTIRE day. :)

Chris and I always cross our fingers that the tortilla factory will be giving away flour, rather than corn tortillas. Score. :)
Cam LOVED looking at the map of Disneyland and telling me where to go. He wouldn't take his eyes off of it even for the picture. :)
It is always scary going big places with two little kiddos - sounds like you did a great job and the kids definitely look like they loved it! Way to go!!! =)
GOOD FOR YOU, MOM! Such fun to hear the great report! And so glad the rides both ways went well too.
Yay! How fun :) Glad you had such a great day. I took both my kids by myself... but that was back when I could wear Alayna in the sling, lol.
I have one suggestion for the car and it sounds rude to his sister but can Cam wear headphones and listen to music when she cries? Breven used to get very antsy in the car and we found that headphones and either a dvd(we have a small portable player)music or games(vsmile, Nintendo, and fisherprice)they always help!
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