Here was Chris's lunch today, stuffed with turkey burgers we love to buy from Costco.
*Last week we bought soy milk because Costco didn't have rice milk (for Kendall and her constipation). Today I tried the soy milk with my International House coffee. So much better than using regular milk!
*Kendall has been going to bed earlier, sleeping in later, and taking 2.5-3 hour naps. Who is this girl (not that I'm complaining)??
*Susan and I had a nice debate this past weekend. She says that it isn't right that I take the kids to McDonald's to play without making a food purchase. My argument? There is NO sign anywhere that says the play area is "for customers only". She says that it's implied. What do you think? I'd love to hear other opinions, but I will say that it won't change my mind about doing it. :)
yay for lots of sleep for kendall!
i say, go for it (mcdonalds). i meet a lot of families at starbucks for my work mtgs and we don't buy anything (most of the time).
oh, and SOY- who knew?! i ordered a soy latte last week because i am doing the no dairy thing for malia (talk about hard!!!!) and it was SO good. i liked it better than a regular latte- it was creamier!
Wow.... I've never tried soy, and after heading Krista's comment I think I might.
Yay for more sleep. I find with my kids that good sleep breeds good sleep. Hopefully Kendall keeps it up for you!
I personally think letting your kids play at a place where you don't purchase something is seedy. That is a place of business, and if you don't purchase at least SOMETHING, then I think you should not use the benefits of that business. I do understand your reasoning, and I get it, but if you want to take them to play at a free place... I say go to the park. At least with the park your taxes help pay for it :)
Homemade pitas?? Wow--sounds complicated--glad they weren't.
I always buy at least a drink when I take the kids to McDonalds.
Jessica, I guess since we do parks 2-3 times a week, I like to have something different. HOWEVER, after reading your comment I thought about how I would feel if it was MY business and a mom kept coming in without purchasing. I'd be frustrated. So I'm actually changing my mind. You have my word that I'll at least purchase a soda from now on. :)
I usually will just get a small something at McD's like a coffee or a icecream or a small fries if we are not going to eat a big meal there. I believe its implied that you are a customer. I love thier sugar free vanilla iced coffee's personally.
I have a stack of magazines for you let me know when to bring them by. I have family circle and a few others.
What I LOVE about you Kelly is that you asked for comments about the MCD's thing but made it clear it wouldn't change your mind! Hahaha! I just love that kind of confidence in you! I have to give you credit though, for reconsidering. I frequent Border's and Barnes and Noble with the kids and rarely make purchases and I've felt guilty about that. At least MCD's has a dollar menu! That's a pretty cheap price to pay for an afternoon of fun! ;)
Ah that sounds terrible. Did I actually say "not right?" =) I don't think it's morally wrong at all. Like you say - there's no sign.
I just think it lacks a little in tact, and you are full of class so it doesn't fit you. =)
But I did read something Christina wrote about it. She took a little poll and then went and asked the McDonalds Management. I think they said that if you are a customer sometimes, then it's not necessary to buy something EVERY time you use the play place. Something like that. Makes me squirm a little still, but lots of silly things make me squirm as you know. =)
Grace to all.
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