Mixed frozen veggies
Wheat Thins
Bread (two loaves, freeze one)
Soy Milk
*After Costco I took the kids to the mall. I've always been very irritated when moms disregard the "no strollers in play area" (it's a small space as it is) and "no food or drink" (their kids will trail Cheetos everywhere). However today I admitted that I became "that mom" a while ago. Cam has been too tall for the play area for months. Yet, we go...usually once a week. And we'll probably continue to go...I guess I'm ok with being a mall play area hypocrite.
Kendall was quite taken with the bear and loved to give it hugs.

*Chris's mom gave me some of her Valentine candy (she received from her students). I keep one of the small Sees boxes in my car. Every few days, on the rare occasion that I'm not reaching back trying to find Kendall's baby that has dropped or telling Cam what freeways we are taking to our destination (he's very into that right now), I pick out a candy and savor every last bite. It's kind of a treat for those quiet moments that come far too infrequently. :)

Wow--Debbie gets Sees from her students? I'm impressed. Usually it's more like Dollar Store Off-Brands. :) --Mom
I think the realities of parenting force us to all be "that mom" every once in a while. :)
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