Today we had a playdate with a little guy from Cam's class. I really enjoy his mom and we actually were able to talk quite a bit amidst watching the four kids. When I got home Chris asked what made me enjoy her so much. Besides the fact that we have several small things in common (you know, things that aren't huge deals but that just help you connect a little and have things to talk about...i.e. both morning people, into eating healthy...for the most part :), have kids the same age, etc.), she is also great at asking questions. This is HUGE for me.
This sounds silly, but many times after I'm together with a friend, I'll tally up the questions I asked her to make sure I didn't talk too much. I think asking questions shows interest and that you REALLY care about their thoughts about things. I don't mind talking with friends who do most of the talking. I love hearing about other people (especially because my conversations during the day mostly take place with a 5 and 2 year old). However the girls that I TRULY connect with are those that I feel care about me and my life...and ask me questions to display that.
With that said, there does come a point in friendships where I know them so well that I don't need them to ask me a question and I can just talk and share as much as I want. That's a nice and comfortable point to get to. :)
Miss Curly Hair in the drawing looks like she needs notes to remember what questions to ask Miss Straight Hair. :) Glad you had a fun time yesterday.
Oops, that was me. --Mom
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