One of the nights Kendall and I stayed at Chris' aunt's house I rented, "I Don't Know How She Does It". I think Sara Jessica Parker is a cute actress and overall it was fun to watch. Any mom could relate to a number of things in the movie and there were several really endearing parts to it.
I have one pretty big beef, but let me first give my disclaimer. There are moms that choose to work for a variety of reasons, need to work for financial reasons, or simply want to. There are moms that choose to stay home. Every family is different and every mom does what she feels is right for her family. Enough said. What was frustrating about the movie was that there was NOT ONE stay at home mom in the movie who was portrayed other than a snotty, lazy, judgmental, and condescending person. Not one.
What is interesting to me is that if the roles were reversed and the working moms were the ones who were portrayed as judgmental, prudish, etc., all hell would break loose. But for some reason it's okay to dump on stay at home moms. Granted, there are stay at home moms who probably typify what they portrayed in the movie. But to not have ANY character represent a normal, compassionate, non-judgmental stay at home mom who doesn't look down on others? Really???
Just my two cents.
Very good point, and definitely agree.
I so agree too. Movies and TV shows are subtle and effective in this technique of "Don't overtly criticize the object you want to discredit--just keep portraying them as undesirable people."
That's been the strategy for pastors and evangelical Christians for years. I can count on one hand the positive portrayals (loving, honest, caring, intelligent) of these in movies & TV. But SO many portrayed as either mean-spirited, judgmental, weak, naive, depraved, dishonest or hypocritical.
After years of watching these, it gets implanted in people's minds...& they don't even realize where it came from.
Oops, maybe I should step down from my soap box. You obviously hit a big concern here for me. :)
So true. Haven't seen it, but want to. Now I'll be extra aware of that!
And Donna, I agree with you about the portrayals on screen - I think the same way often when I see law enforcement on TV or movies portrayed as either bumbling idiots or corrupt. Makes me sad.
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