This is just a random picture and is not NEARLY the tasty bread that you get with the Claim Jumper one.

*Almost every single day I have the same thing for lunch. I basically heat up a bowl of veggies mixed with onions, potatoes, feta cheese and some sort of bean (usually garbonzo beans). Lately I've been taking the extra time of roasting them all in the oven. I've even been doing tomatoes because I actually like them roasted. I love this meal because I can have a huge bowl of it and it's sooo flavorful :)
I tried sweet potatoes today and it was wonderful!!!
*Every morning Cam watches me make his lunch while he eats breakfast. And every morning I get the same question:
"Mamma, is that almond peanut butter or ordinary?"
He does not like almond, but I continue to use it only because I want to vary the nut butters since he eats about 5 lbs a day! :) So lately I'm started doing 1/2 and 1/2 and that seems to suffice for him :)
*Chris has started taking Power Bars when he golfs. He says the Cookies and Cream flavor is "pretty much like a candy bar". Wow! High praise for a protein bar!
*I still eat a Skinny Cow EVERY single night after dinner. It's mashed up, smeared with a spoonful of peanut butter, topped with a crushed graham cracker and whipped cream, and microwaved for a few seconds (nice and melty!) :)
Your lunches sound interesting and good! Your desserts sound weird! =) [I don't believe that ice cream should EVER be melty.]
Your lunch sounds yummy. Does the feta melt? Do you add rice or anything?
I want to see a post soon about your goal of smiling more when you're out--how it's going--if you're getting smiles back, etc. I'm heading out to the store now and am going to improve on that too. :) :) :) --Mom
Wow, that's a healthy lunch, way to go!
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