Shake (recipe thanks to Jessica!)
*protein powder
*1/2 frozen banana
*1 tsp. sugar free banana jello powder (I think this helps makes it kind of foamy)
*1/8 cups raw oats
*5 walnuts (Chris really likes the flavor these gives)
--Reason #456 why we like Palm Springs: hiking. We took a really fun hike yesterday with the kids. The views were beautiful and the weather perfect.

--Almost spent $20 on a pair of jeans today for Cam (at Target). That is a little pricey for me for kids' jeans. Luckily I found a cute (sadly not AS cute) pair on clearance or $11.99. :)
--Dinner tonight: Brown rice topped with chicken and Costco pot stickers
--Rented "Margin Call" the other night and really enjoyed it. The language got a little much at times (nothing dirty, just cussing), but otherwise it was pretty fascinating.
--Kendall has been my sleeping champ lately! 6:30pm-6:30am and 2+ hour naps!!
I wish I could convince Matt to like Palm Springs. Did you hike on an actual trail? We finally did the hike in Oak Glen and we all loved it :-)
Jealous of the sleeping... Alayna hasn't been napping at all :(
Boys pants are cheapest and and durable from Old Navy and JC Penny's arizona. Watch old navy kids jeans go $10 in August and Janurary and JC Penny's has a sale about 12.99 once or twice a year. I buy 5 pairs at a time and rotate through the week! He has 1 pair we keep nice for church as well as a pair of kakhi's
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