Today we celebrate our 10 year anniversary. I feel like I'm pretty good on this blog about not going on and on all the time about Chris, but I'll ask that you indulge me with a bit of rambling this once considering the special occasion. :) I look back on our time together and can't believe it has gone so fast. We have had many fun memories together, some hard ones, but overall I can't believe I chose the most amazing partner I could ever have imagined.
People often tell you important things you should look for when choosing a partner. When I look back at our dating years, I never remember making sure that Chris had certain qualities, which I should have. But I'm so fortunate that he ended up having so many attributes that have helped make our marriage so easy and fun.
I never thought to analyze how he was with money (which is HUGE!), however I'm so thankful that he is not a spender, going out and buying the latest toys and gadgets all the time. I never thought to talk about the division of labor at our home. And to be honest, no one can prepare you for how your life will change with kids. He turned out to be such an amazing help to me, always taking the initiative to fold laundry, unload the dishwasher, take the kids on an outing, etc. All when I don't even ask. He just sees and does. :) I don't think you can ever 100% accurately predict what someone will be like as a parent (to a certain extent you can, but not fully b/c you don't know the type of children you'll have). But Chris truly loves being a dad and it's so evident in the way he interacts with the kids.
I read a statistic somewhere which stated that the divorce rate for families with special needs kids was 70%. Yikes!! During our most difficult times with Cameron (and many times it wasn't even so much WITH Cameron, it was me being a blubbering wife with all my worry/anxiety), it always seemed like he was strong when I wasn't, and I was strong when he wasn't.
I don't think we ever even talked about what we would do when we had kids (work wise), however I'm so thankful that Chris not only supports me staying at home with the kids, but loves that I do. I often take for granted the burden he bears in supporting our family, especially over the past few years in this economy. I take for granted the nights he stays up well past when I go to sleep, working on a project. I couldn't ask for a better provider.
While the phrase, "I married my best friend" sometimes can sound cheesy because it's used so often, I couldn't think of a better phrase. Despite Chris working from home, I still secretly get bummed when he has plans at night because I know I'll miss him. Except for golf, we pretty much do everything together and I never get tired of it. He is wonderful...truly wonderful. :)
So Happy Anniversary, Chris. I love you so, so, so, so, so much!!!
Ahhh, such a sweet post, I don't mind you talking about your hubby :-) I am always happy to see when my friends have a healthy and happy marriage, definitely a blessing! Happy Anniversary!
Matt and I will also celebrate ten years in July.
Happy Anniversary! I think it is awesome that you have such a healthy marriage. All of those things are so important. What a blessing he is to you and that you are to him!
A beautiful tribute to a beautiful man (don't tell him I called him that). Yes, God blessed you richly in your life partner...and I know he feels the same way. I thank the Lord so often for your marriage.
Love this! I'm so thankful God brought you two together!! =)
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