After pictures, we returned home for lunch and Kendall's nap. During her nap, Cameron really wanted to print out maps of different cities. So we sat in front of googlemaps while he blurted out cities for me to print. He then wanted them all put together like one big map so he could draw more roads on them. :)

After nap we headed out to Hemet to a new hiking trail Chris had seen. I'm not sure we'll do it again as it was pretty uneventful, meaning not a lot of ups and downs, twists and turns, which is what Cam really likes. But it was still fun to try a new trail and Kendall actually did much better and took longer to poop out since it was so easy.

After hiking, we headed to WinCo for what we thought would be a very expensive grocery trip. Not so with WinCo!!! I can't believe how inexpensive they are!! For instance, I got yellow squash for 68 cents a pound, Fuji apples for 98 cents a pound, and green peppers for 48 cents each!! We love that store!! And the kids love it to because we let them pick out some candy from their bulk bin section at the end of our shopping. :)

After the kids were in bed, I prepared Chris' splurge meal for the week, Macaroni and Cheese Pizza. I liked it, but I would make a few changes next time. I love the concept as it's so unique. What I LOVED were the Panko bread crumbs you sprinkled on top. Those are so much better than regular bread crumbs! They are bigger and therefore crunchier. :) Sidenote: Last night I made these yummy meatballs and they were wonderful. The kids gobbled them up!!
Right now I'm browsing little girl bedsets. After we potty train (which I'm intending on starting after we return from Chris' parents' next week), I want to move her to a big girl bed. Here are a couple I like:

Check BBB they always have girly bedding on sale and clerance I got Aubree's set after coupons for $30 and that was a full bed in the bag set with sheets!
As for winco they have one in mo val by costco and they have some great deals and take coupons!
I like Cam's map wall. That is just so neat that he loves maps its something everyone can understand and take an interest in even though its not as interesting to them as it is to him!
Gee, I wish there were a Winco close to us. Getting close to a big girl bed, huh? Don't forget Debbie's idea of the "pillow fort" if she needs a comfort zone to help her make the transition.
Oops--that was from me.
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