Cameron had a T-ball game and then we came back for lunch and nap. While Kendall slept, Chris took Cam to watch the remote control car races.

Upon their return the kids watched a movie with some "movie candy" (candy they get to pick out from the bins at WinCo). I had tivo'd The Princess and the Frog, which for some reason was NOT a hit with either one. :)
That night we ate a fun but unhealthy dinner. I can see why eating unhealthy is very attractive to those on a super tight budget. We had tater tots topped with peppers, cheese, onions, and hot dogs. We figured out that the four of us ate for about $5! Too bad we can't eat like that every night! :)
This morning the kids took a much needed bath, then we headed to church. Afterward Chris brought the kids home as I had to stay for the next service. After I returned we relaxed while the kids napped/rested, then headed out to Palm Springs. Chris hit a golf store while the kids and I roamed the mall.
Eating a Sees sample:

I found this cute girls' bedset at JC Penney, however I'm REALLY not liking the no sale policy. I find myself not wanting to spend the full price because I don't feel like I'm getting a good deal. We'll see what I decide. :)

After the mall we hit Costco for dinner and a few groceries then headed home in some nasty weather.
Right now Chris is watching Tiger Woods win a big tournament and I'm about to make my Skinny Cow creation. :)
1 comment:
Nice weekend. Boy, y'all sure make good use of living close to the desert towns--to enjoy nice weather when ours isn't.
So Penney's has no sales now? Did they also do away with the "99 cents" at the end of their prices? Sounded like it in a commercial.
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