After lunch, we split up and Chris dropped Cam and I off at the mall while he and Kendall went to the golf store. Cam loved climbing all over the various coin operated cars, trucks, helicopters, etc., while I sat and relaxed on a bench. Luckily he still is content with climbing all over them, rather than having me waste money on making them actually move. :) After treating ourselves to a piece of Sees chocolate, we met Chris. He got some good deals at the golf store and all was good. :)
One of the highlights? Cheesecake factory got our order wrong (we always split a chicken salad sandwich) so they gave us a free piece of cheesecake! They can get our order wrong as much as they want if that's what we'll get out of it!!
Are we lucky or what? Parts of the country have snow already! Sounds like a really nice day.
Looks fun :) the pictures of you guys are adorable. What all is there to do out there?
Actually, Jessica, there isn't THAT much to do out there. It simply is a change of scenery, a different mall to walk around, and we enjoy eating Cheesecake Factory at The River (we get it to go and eat outside). Ethan would probably like running around the little amphitheater they have. Otherwise, we just like the city and it's something to do since we all know it's a little boring to stay home all day with two kids!
Don't worry about it, I understand! We do go to Trinity. I was raised going to CRC (what The River used to be) until 9th grade and we've been at Trinity since then. Hopefully we will see you guys there soon again! :)
Just getting out to go somewhere is fun to me these days :) I'll bet it's nice to go out there in the winter when it's cold here. We'll have to spend an afternoon out that way this winter :)
Kendall is getting SOOOO big! I can't believe it! We need to plan a "playdate" soon! Does Chris have to come out this way for a business meeting anytime soon? There's a cute pumpkin patch in Irvine I've been wanting to go to!
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