After the meeting my mom hung out for a while and then we just stayed around the house and went for a walk for the rest of the day. Saturday we took another walk and Cam and I made a batch of muffins, which he really got into helping me with (especially sampling the raisins). We then headed over to my parents'. Both kids took naps (well, Cam went down...but decided a nap was not in the cards that day) and we headed home in the early afternoon. While we were there, we attempted a photo shoot in the kids' Halloween costumes.
My cowgirl and Superman...

This morning I can't believe I got both kids ready and to church 20 minutes early. I had to help out today in another kids' class so we needed to get going and out the door without being late. It was pretty easy to help out, but I'm a little tired. Usually church gives me a chance to actually breathe, but I was "on" today. :)
Right now both kids are down (well, Cam isn't and I swear he is going to come through the ceiling with all the jumping he is doing) and I just had a great lunch of some Barley Lentil Stew that my mom made me. Chris should be home late this afternoon and I'll be happy to see him. :)
Zowy! Those pictures turned out great! I didn't think we got any that good! That he-man chest is quite impressive.
I ditto the great teacher & others! I'm soooo thankful for them too.
I'm so glad it was a great meeting! And its awesome you love his school! I'm glad Chris had a great time on his birthday weekend too!
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