I mentioned about a week ago that I was going to start sleep training with Kendall. I wish I could say it was going better. I've got her down to just feeding once during the night, but she still wakes up A LOT. Last night she woke up 4 additional times. Sometimes I'll go and stick in the paci, other times I'll turn my noise machine on for the 30 minute timer and if she is still crying, I'll go in and do the paci. Ugh. I'm tired of this. The last straw happened at 5:30 this morning. After refusing to go in, she got so loud she woke up Cam.
I wasn't in the best of moods, so Chris took Cam to breakfast while I rested on the couch until Kendall woke up for the morning.

I know this phase of life is short and I'll look back and laugh at what a big deal I made of it, but sleep is sleep. And I would like more of it!! :)
Oh, bummer!! Of course, you would! We DO need our sleep! Here's hoping this remaining time of her bad sleep patterns goes QUICKLY!!
Oh Kelly, I am SOOO sorry! =( Sleep issues with babies are just the PITS!!!! Oh I really really feel for you. =(
I can't wait to hear that things are going so much better.
I know I never felt myself until my kids slept through the night! I'm sorry Friend! Pray, Pray, Pray and Hang in there!
POOP! That stinks! I am so sorry! I know what it is like to be completely at your wits end with a baby who wont sleep. GRRR. SO hard!
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