This morning I took Cam to church and Kendall stayed back with everyone. Later we went to an early lunch with Chris's aunt Noonie and Deb. After a marathon almost 3 hour nap from Cam (woohoo!), Chris and I split up and I took Cam to a park and he took Kendall to Walmart. The cold weather had made us realize we were lacking in the warm clothing department for both kids. He came home with some cozy sweats for Cam and a couple new shirts. Cam and I had a great time at the park playing chase, meeting a couple huge dogs, and swinging.
My only regret from the weekend was how lousy I was at taking pictures. This was the only good one I got (actually my mom took it). Next time I'm going to assign someone to take some candid shots. At least this one is super cute of the cousins...

Tonight is supposed to be the beginning of sleep training for Kendall. She has gotten far too comfortable with waking up and having mommy come in and either stick the paci in her mouth or feed her. Going into her room 5x last night made it quite obvious that she is playing me for a fool. So will I suck it up and follow through? I'm not feeling too confident. There is something so easy about only being awake for 10 min to feed her, as opposed to listening to her cry for 30 min. I guess we will see how I feel come first wake up. :)
It WAS a great party for a GREAT guy! And we ALL forgot to take pictures! Ugh!
Good luck tonight.
Looks like a wonderful weekend :)
Sleep training is rough... I know what you mean about it being easier to just go in there sometimes. But just think how much easier it will be in several nights when you are all sleeping well :) Hope it goes well for you!
oooo, sounds like so much fun!! i'll be eager to hear how the sleep training goes!! keep us updated!!
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