So potty training has actually been going great! We have had very few accidents (well, less than I had anticipated) and he is always more than willing to go when we take him. I got some great advice last time so if anyone has more, send it my way. Specifically I'm wondering...
*At what point do you trust him to tell you when he has to go pee? Do you keep asking him and hope that he'll just start telling you on his own?
*Today we had a great breakthrough in that he told us he had a stinkbug before he actually did it. But then this afternoon at the park, he didn't tell Chris and Chris had a lovely clean up session...lovely because we forgot to send anything with him (wipes, extra clothes, etc.)!! More often than not, Cam waits until his nap or bedtime to do his stuff, because he knows he has a diaper on. Anyone else experience their kid waiting until they knew they had on a diaper? I would think the solution would be to put him to bed in underwear...but oh how I do not want to be woken up by hearing, "Mama! Stinkbug!!"
Yea, Cam! Ewwwww, poor Chris... :o(
Yep, Dana would wait until her diaper was on for that. We didn't push it (I tried but it didn't work), and she suddenly started using the potty on her own after she turned 4. We just had to be firm about no pee in the diaper while she was awake in her bed.
Good luck! :)charlene
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