Friday, June 10, 2011

cousins and a kid-free week

My brother-in-law sent this picture today and I just couldn't resist posting it. I think the thing I love most about it is that it's such a perfect image of how much Cam really loves his cousins (on both sides). He often asks about them and when he can see them next. For a child who is, in general, more hesitant about friendships and interacting, it warms my heart to no end to know how much he truly enjoys being with his cousins.

Tomorrow Chris and I are meeting his parents in Bakersfield. From there, his parents will take our kids back to their house until next Saturday!! I am beyond excited about our week with just the two of us...yet also a little anxious at how much I will miss the kids. Luckily, worrying about how they'll do isn't even a factor. They both adore their grandparents and I know they'll have such an amazing time. This thought keeps me from getting too sad about being away from them for so long. :)


Jessica said...

Oh man... totally jealous :) I hope you have a wonderful week!!!! Goodness knows it's much deserved :)

Jessica deBruyn said...

So, so excited you guys! I understand the mixed feelings, but also know this will be a cherished time!

Anonymous said...

I'm praying for a WONDERFUL week for you!!! --Mom