*Cam is VERY into time right now. He'll ask us probably 20-30 times a day what time it is (literally). Or he'll say, "How many minutes until 3:00?". We've talked about getting him a watch, but we aren't sure if that would just make him stare at it all day, waiting for the minutes to change. Anyway, when we were at Costco yesterday I could not resist this book. Not only is Mickey Mouse Clubhouse one of his favorite shows, but this book has a clock that he can move the hands of, then it tells him the time. Oh my goodness is he in heaven!! :)

*Bachelorette favorites: J.P. and Ben C.
*Yesterday at the mall play area Cam went up to a toy that another little boy was playing with. The boy kept pushing him away, despite there obviously being room for two to play. I ended up diverting Cam to another toy. I never know quite what to do because I can't force the other kid to share, and I certainly don't want him to continue to push Cam. Hmmm...
*I really love my days with the kids, however sometimes I just have to laugh. This morning's big excitement was seeing a fire hydrant. I had explained to Kendall what the fire hydrant was that belonged to her Little People. I told her we would see a real one outside. So the whole way to the grocery store she wanted to, "go see fire hydrant!!". It was quite a thrill for Cam and I to show it to her once we arrived. And she even got to touch it!! :)
I guess that's one of the cutest things about childhood--the way they get so excited over the littlest thing--like a fire hydrant! :)
Maybe it's the teacher in me, but if the other parent isn't stepping in I often find myself doing so. Today at the park a kid was throwing sand at a little girl's head and on the second time I said in a very teachery voice, "no throwing sand." It caught me off guard a bit. I looked around expecting to see an offended parent storming over to confront me, but it didn't happen. The kid didn't throw sand again. :)
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