Today we went to Victoria Gardens for a while. Normally we end with the Bass Pro Shop, but Kendall had been complaining of a tummy ache and was a little lethargic. We were at least able to hit the carousel on the way out.
Sorry it's blurry. Chris took it with his phone as we were zooming past. :)

Tonight was a splurge meal for Chris and I made this recipe. It was kind of a disappointment, as are a lot of the fettucini alfredo recipes I've tried. I feel like they are too salty, not creamy enough, or just don't have that rich flavor you want. If anyone has an awesome recipe (the real deal, not low fat), please send it my way!
p.s. Do you know how much proscuiutto costs??? Try $12 a pound!!! Luckily we only needed 1/3 of a pound for this recipe. And to be honest, I prefer bacon for taste as well as price. :)
I agree!!! Bacon instead of prosciutto--it's ridiculous to pay that much. --Mom
I have not tried it yet but there are recipes using philadelphia cooking creme look good. I have used the creme instead of sour cream in my stroganoff which was great.
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