I think I've said before that Cameron isn't always the best at independent play. My mom had an excellent idea of having different activities on a chart that he had to complete. I knew he would REALLY get into a chart where he had to check off something upon completion. So I hyped him up for "station activity" (not sure why I couldn't think of a more creative name). He LOVED it. I listed several activities for him to do (read books, mazes, play with race cars, etc.) and he checked off each after completing it. At first I told him he had to set the timer for 5 minutes for each one, but he wanted to continue even after the timer beeped, so the whole thing lasted more than an hour!! It was awesome as I got to work in the kitchen the whole time and just had to help now and then. I don't think I'll do it every day as I think he'll get sick of them after a while, but it will definitely make another appearance this week! :)

This morning we headed to
Fingerprints Youth Museum in Hemet. I was a little hesitant when we walked in as I think I had higher expectations, but we ended up having an amazing time!! I think (from what I've heard) it's probably like a low scale Pretend City (in Irvine). The kids loved all the little stations such as a grocery store, bank, house with complete kitchen, life size ambulance they could climb in, etc. I loved watching Cam pretend so much and Kendall was just in hog heaven the entire time. A mom there told me about an even better one in Temecula that I'm excited to try sometime.
Digging for dinosaur bones.

This was Cam's favorite station. He loved playing "cashier" and Kendall equally loved shopping for the groceries.
Take a look...
Oh, my goodness!!! That's awesome how he took to the "station activities!" A whole hour, you say? Wow!
And the video is so cute! They really ARE into the grocery store pretending! Looks like there weren't many people there. Were there?
What a great idea with your station activities.... I might have to try that out.
That museum looks fun, I've heard about it but I think I'm definitely going to have to take my kids now :)
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