*Due to Cam's height increasing by the minute, we finally bought him a new bed. He loves having a bigger place to sleep. Being my neat and organized kid, I'm not surprised that every morning he makes that bed like it's going to be in a catalog. ;)
*Since Cam and I have cycling, I've wanted an activity to share with Kendall, so I bought myself a pair of roller blades recently. I've really enjoyed it, however I have had to press pause until I get a certain Amazon purchase in the mail: wrist guards. I'm horrible at stopping and a recent fall made me realize I could really do some damage if I'm not more careful. :)
*My sister's family arrived last week and we had our first outing a few days ago. We took them to Thermon Flats, which was so fun! We had the place to ourselves and they all loved it. Tomorrow we are introducing them to our hikes! Woohoo!
*I gave blood for the first time this past week. Our church hosted the American Red Cross and the whole process was super easy. The worst part, as weird as it sounds, was having to clench my fist over and over before being poked. I HATE having to do this. It grosses me out and always has whenever I've had to get my blood drawn. Ugh.
*I'll be flying solo today at Costco. With the Covid numbers as high as they are, there really isn't a good reason to have more people than need to go. And for the kids, without samples, reading the books and perusing the tech stuff (I don't let them because of all the touching involved), it just isn't as enjoyable for them. "Not enjoyable" and "Costco" should never be in the same sentence... :(