Saturday, September 9, 2017

over sized donut

*Each year the kids have to complete eight hours of community service for school. This morning their school offered the opportunity to get a few hours by helping weed their garden. I had hoped we could knock out two hours, but the kids lasted an hour and a half. Still a start!

*This past week I took the kids to the Optometrist. Kendall has been having headaches on and off for a long time. Cam tagged along simply because the exam was free. :)  Long story short, BOTH kids need glasses...Cam for reading the white board, Kendall for reading a book. :) The kids were soooo excited and wanted to go that day to get them. We made them hold off until today so we could go to Costco. These are what they chose. We had some insurance mix-up stuff, so I'm not sure these will be the exact ones...but I had to post a pic because they just look too cute!

After our glasses stop, we shopped our list and stumbled across this little gem, a Harry Potter magazine. 

Kendall begged and begged to take it home, but sadly it remained there.

*One of Chris' pet peeves is our pepper shaker. He hates how little comes out with each shake. I went to Target the other day and, for some reason, ALL pepper shakers are the same. Too few holes. :(

*I forgot to mention that on Cameron's actual birthday morning, this was his request. Each year he gets an over sized donut. Yes, it takes up the entire box!! :)


Anonymous said...

Try a pepper grinder. Only $1.99 at Trader Joe's (I'm sure target has them too) and plenty of pepper! 😜

Anonymous said...

And the kids look SO cute in their glasses.

Anonymous said...

Oh, they DO look so cute in glasses!

Jessica said...

So crazy that they both needed glasses... Do you and Chris wear them? They look cute.

That's one huge donut! Lol! I'm curious if he's able to polish it off himself.

Also, I agree with your friend Ana.. Pepper grinder! Plus it tastes yummiest ground fresh.