Sunday, May 19, 2019

longest ride so far

*Yesterday was our longest ride yet with our cycling club...49 miles (when we got back, my dad joked that we should ride around the parking lot to make it an even 50...but we were SO done!). It was at times draining, but still a super fun ride. The only downside was my epic fail on the SPF front in that I came home with a horrible sunburn on my arms. It's still painful this morning. :(

Here we are mid-way at Citrus Park in Riverside. We are holding up "46" because that's how long the ride was scheduled to be.

*Chris has a Bible study each week on one of the days he works at the church. This past week was his week to bring food. I made this cake recipe, which I originally got from his mom. It's VERY yummy.

*This picture was from last week, but I just thought it was so funny to see the number of purses Kendall brought with her. This is very typical ;)

*We are starting the Mission Impossible movies with the kids. It's pretty sad that, even on weekends,  all four of us wake so early that we actually have time to watch a good chunk of it before church!

*I have way too many reports due this coming week so I knew I'd have to work some at home. Luckily the best, "don't have to watch every minute to know what's going on" show started up again. I put it on in the background and typed away!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Good job on the ride! I don't think I've ever ridden that many miles.

That cake looks yummy!