Sunday, October 20, 2019

happy 40th

*My MIL bought us a super cool bun maker thing (not sure the name) that makes creating buns for Kendall so much easier and she looks so cute (and olderšŸ˜©).

*This past week has been full of celebrating Chris' 40th birthday. We started it out with dinner with some of our best friends. Chris requested a long time favorite restaurant  near where we went to college, Angelo and Vinci's.

His parents drove down to attend a cross country meet which made it so we could go out on his actual birthday.

*Several days later, the four of us celebrated at Gourmet Pizza. Brando. Yum.

Kind of cool to think that we've been together now almost half his life. Happy birthday to my sweet, unselfish, SUPER funny husband!!!

*Yesterday was a Costco trip. Kendall is NOT a fan of Costco. To sweeten the deal, I let her bring the quad girls along. :)

*Chris and I are watching the entire series of The Office for the third time. How timely that this podcast was just released and I LOVE it!!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Happy 40th to Chris!

That bun is so cute on Kendall!